Track Overview Big Schalke-Bocksberg route

Big Schalke-Bocksberg route

Demanding mountainbike tour starting in Hahnenklee, crossing Oberharzer mountain valleys and the mountain peaks of Schalke and Bocksberg: The tour begins with varied descents in Grane-, Innerste and Schildautal valley near Seesen. From here it goes with steep ascents and descents, beautiful views and a few ponds over the mountain town of Wildemann to Clausthal-Zellerfeld. After about two thirds of the route, the Schalke is the highest point of the tour. The Schalke lookout tower is the oldest of four steel lookout towers in the Harz mountains and offers wide views of the surrounding Oberharz. The route continues down from the Schalke to the water reservoir Okertalsperre and then crosses the Rammelsberg mountain with a long descent down to the city Goslar. From here the longest ascent of the tour to the Bocksberg starts with around 450 vertical meters and steep inclines. The last descent leads directly from Bocksberg to Hahnenklee.

break lautenthal hut view vacation
tower schalke berg vacation observation tower
harz schulenberg tour goslar mountain bike break
okertal schulenberg oker mountain bike okertalsperre
mountain bike seesen bicycle path tour
wildemann seesen harz mountains view
vacations wildemann harz view mountain bike
pond clausthal eschenbacher damm
schulenberg clausthal harz bike path brocken
single trail goslar trail view
Bergbahn hahnenklee bocksberg mountain bike gondola
harz hahnenklee lautenthal view mountains
Schutzhuette hahnenklee break harz vacation
view Lautenthal harz tour mountain bike

Data about this mountainbike route

Elevation profile
Simplified elevation profile of the tour
88,0Kilometers in length
2414Vertical metres
274mLowest point (above sea level)
758mHighest point (above sea level)

Start and parking

This is a good address to start the tour. There is a larger parking lot nearby. Clicking on the address takes you directly to Google Maps to start navigation there:


The tour can be downloaded as a .gpx file and transferred to a GPS-enabled device (e.g. Garmin or smartphone). The tour starts near a larger parking lot. The route is planned so that it can be traveled all year round and in all weathers. Nevertheless, it can happen that due to occasional forestry work in the forest, paths are temporarily closed or have to be pushed in parts.