Movies Documentaries Bike Racing Inspiration Entertainment
© Max Brugger


If you would like to find out more about ultracycling or Fritz Geers, then this page is worth seeing. While most people prefer to spend time at parties in their youth, Fritz is producing a feature-length film about his love for mountain biking. He uploads the motivational videos at the bottom of this page on the topic of ultracycling to YouTube about his first ultra cycling races. With the increasingly longer races that Fritz drives, many challenges arise. Due to time constraints, Fritz has to decide not to produce any more videos for the time being. However, he continues to use moving images in his lectures. You can watch the videos below to better understand ultracycling. However, personal exchanges, books, lectures or feature films about ultracycling provide an even better understanding.

Film Cinema Fritz Geers Ultra Athlete
© Julian Schmidt

In winter 2023, filmmaker Julian Schmidt will begin making a cinematic film about Fritz. The film is intended to document Fritz's everyday life in preparation for the Race Across America and talk about the why behind ultracycling. In the picture, Fritz can be seen with his training colleague Steffen in the attic during a shoot. The two of them often spend time here in winter on the roller, an indoor bike trainer, when there is too much snow outside in the Harz to ride a bike and Fritz is not at the training camp.

Book Production Shooting Ultracycling Extreme Sports
© Julian Barth

The photographer Julian Barth from Dortmund has also been accompanying Fritz since 2023 and will publish a book about participation in the Race Across America at the beginning of 2024. The book not only documents enormous landscapes across America, but also a journey that friends, family and partners can experience as if they had been there themselves. You will find a link below where you can find out more about the book.

Race Across Europe 2018

The Race Across Europe runs from northern France via Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, southern France and Spain to Gibraltar. It is over 4,700 kilometers long and leads over numerous passes in the Alps and Pyrenees.

Race Around Germany 2017

The Race Around Germany runs along the external borders around the whole of Germany. The route is approximately 3,300 kilometers long.

Race Across Germany 2017

The Race Across Germany runs from Flensburg to Garmisch-Partenkirchen through the whole of Germany. The route is approximately 1,100 kilometers long.

Race Across The Alps 2016

The Race Across The Alps is known as the toughest one-day race in the world. The cycling race through the three countries of Italy, Switzerland and Austria connects various mountain passes in the Alps.

German Championship 24h Solo Mountainbike 2016

In a 24-hour mountainbike race, participants try to complete as many laps as possible on a given course within a 24-hour period.

Paris-Brest-Paris 2015

The Brevet Paris–Brest–Paris is a more than 1200 km long cycling marathon (Brevet) from a suburb of Paris to the Atlantic (Brest) and back.

Styrkeprøven 2014

Styrkeprøven is the most famous cycling marathon in Norway, which is held annually on the summer solstice and is also known as Trondheim-Oslo.

Book Race Across America Author History Experiences
9 min

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If you would like to leaf through a book the way a team navigates the Race Across America, then this book is right for you.