Press News Information Reports Media
© Julian Barth


If you would like to find out more about Fritz Geers in the media, then this page will help you. Due to the extreme distances involved, ultra cycling races are often too long for live broadcasts on television or radio. Ultracycling is still frequently reported in the media because it creates fascinating stories of extreme achievements that can be inspiring and motivating for readers. Appropriately, images of breathtaking landscapes and surreal moments can provide surprising contrasts in abstract topics such as psychology or mental health that are otherwise difficult to represent in images. The reports are also often categorized in the areas of sports and adventure, health and wellbeing, technology and innovation or travel and adventure. Below you will find a list of selected media that have already reported on Fritz Geers.

Liveticker Fritz Geers Ultracycling
© Julian Barth

The so-called dotwatching has become established as a way to follow ultra cycling races live. Dotwatching describes the observation of real-time data from race participants' GPS trackers on the Internet on a regularly updated map. This means you can observe the movement of the participants in an ultra cycling race for days. The link to dotwatching can usually be found on the website of the respective race organizer once the race has started.

Topics Press Release Media Contact Fritz Geers
© Julian Barth

Fritz is available for interviews if you would like to use a story for your reporting and can answer many questions related to the topic of ultracycling. Photographers Fritz works with also have a wide portfolio of images that can be made available to you. For media inquiries, please feel free to contact us by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Mittagsmagazin: Radrennen quer durch die Republik

Anna Mundt, Jonas Freudenhammer
September 02, 2024
Broadcast time 12 minutes

Radler aus dem Harz bezwingt die USA: 5.000 Kilometer bis zum Ziel

Robert Koch
April 10, 2024
Reading time 10 minutes

Extremradsportler Fritz Geers: Drei Stunden Schlaf pro Nacht, dann setzen die Halluzinationen ein

Marvin Rishi Krishan
November 20, 2023
Reading time 8 minutes

Harzer Fritz Geers meistert "Race Across America"

June 26, 2023
Reading time 1 minute

Eines der härtesten Radrennen der Welt

Katharina Franz
June 15, 2023
Reading time 3 minutes

Harzen på batteri og grove dæk

Christopher Glimberg Rønne
June 19, 2022
Reading time 5 minutes

Harz ist Trumpf

Patrick Wiedemann
Special Magazine 2020
Reading time 14 minutes

TV interview

November 19, 2019
Broadcast time 58 minutes

Europameistertitel per Paket erhalten

Robert Koch
November 25, 2019
Reading time 4 minutes

42 Stunden auf dem Rad und kein Schlaf

Robert Koch
July 16, 2019
Reading time 4 minutes


July 4, 2019
Broadcast time 2 minutes

Von der Förde bis an die Alpen

July 3, 2019
Reading time 1 minute

Im Sattel quer durch Deutschland

Robert Koch
July 3, 2019
Reading time 4 minutes

Ultra-Sportler Fritz Geers referiert beim Unternehmerfrühstück

Ralf Gießler
April 5, 2019
Reading time 3 minutes

Der, der immer etwas größer denkt

Rupert Fabig
Magazine 1 Spring 2019
Reading time 6 minutes

Von Frankreich bis Gibraltar

Eileen Demangé
August 25, 2018
Reading time 2 minutes

Record breaking year for the Race Across Europe

July 23, 2018
Reading time 3 minutes

Anderen den Horizont erweitern

Sebastian Krause
June 30, 2018
Reading time 4 minutes

4.721 Kilometer Anlauf bis zum Felsen von Gibraltar

Robert Koch
August 20, 2018
Reading time 5 minutes

Zur Hölle und zurück, Portrait Fritz Geers

Henri Lesewitz
Magazine 07 2017
Reading time 8 minutes

Auf dem Rad einmal rund ums Land

Andre Bertram
December 7, 2017
Reading time 4 minutes

Mit dem Fahrrad von Flensburg nach Garmisch

July 18, 2017
Reading time 1 minute

In 50 Stunden quer durch Deutschland

Björn Gabel
July 13, 2017
Reading time 3 minutes

Grenzerfahrung im Rennradsattel

Björn Gabel
July 9, 2016
Reading time 3 minutes

Ein Harzer bezwingt die Alpenpässe

Robert Koch
July 4, 2016
Reading time 3 minutes

Sekundenschlaf zeigt lange Wirkung

Björn Gabel
June 9, 2016
Reading time 2 minutes

Radio interview

May 29, 2016
Broadcast time 2 minutes

Mit Cola und Astronautenfutter zum Sieg

Robert Koch
June 9, 2016
Reading time 3 minutes

1200 Kilometer ohne eine Pause

Arne Hoffschlaeger
October 1, 2015
Reading time 3 minutes

Horrornächte und Glücksgefühle

Björn Gabel
August 25, 2015
Reading time 3 minutes

Fritz Geers

November 17, 2015
Reading time 2 minutes

Auch die Polizei kann ihn nicht stoppen

Björn Gabel
July 11, 2014
Reading time 3 minutes

Cola schmeckt auch ohne Kohlensäure

Björn Gabel
June 20, 2014
Reading time 3 minutes

Allein durch die norwegischen Berge

Rainer Härtl
June 7, 2014
Reading time 3 minutes

Den Traum von der Tortur erfüllt

Camillo Kluge
July 23, 2013
Reading time 3 minutes

Guestbook feedback opinions Reviews Interaction
11 min

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