Odertal warmup route
Easy Hochharz mountainbike tour starting in Braunlage with beautiful scenery of the Oderteich and views to the Oder valley near Braunlage: The tour begins with an ascent on wider forest roads into the Nationalpark Harz to Königskrug. From there the route leads to the beautiful lake Oderteich. The dam was built in 1722 for historical mining and is today the oldest water reservoir in Germany. From here it goes on over a large loop along the Rehberg (893m high) and then with a fast descent into the Odertal valley. The route continues uphill past the scenic 'Silberteich' back to Braunlage.
Data about this mountainbike route
Start and parking
This is a good address to start the tour. There is a larger parking lot nearby. Clicking on the address takes you directly to Google Maps to start navigation there:
The tour can be downloaded as a .gpx file and transferred to a GPS-enabled device (e.g. Garmin or smartphone). The tour starts near a larger parking lot. The route is planned so that it can be traveled all year round and in all weathers. Nevertheless, it can happen that due to occasional forestry work in the forest, paths are temporarily closed or have to be pushed in parts.
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