Mountainbiking in Lautenthal
Lautenthal is located in a valley in the north-western Oberharz above the Innerste-Talsperre. The place, which was created in 1524 for the old mining, provides a lot of history and a unique mining landscape with large heaps. Iron ore was mined in the mine until 1959. The place is surrounded by mountain meadows, steep mountain slopes and the Innerste river, which runs through the valley. From here, mountainbikers can start day trips in all directions away from the overcrowded areas in the Harz mountains. The area offers a very diverse network of trails with steep climbs and steep trail descents. Depending on the direction you will find many mixed forests, spruce forests or fields in the Harz foreland. The closest bikepark is about seven kilometers further uphill in Hahnenklee.
One Climb Only Tour (34 km/ 533 hm)
Easy mountainbike route along the Innerste dam, to the Altar cliffs on the edge of the Harz and through valleys in the nice Oberharz
Deciduous forests and fields route (47 km/ 936 hm)
Diverse mountainbike route starting in Lautenthal through the Oberharz and the Harz foreland with fields and various forests
Big Oberharz lap (98 km/ 2458 hm)
Demanding mountainbike route with varied impressions of the Oberharz, starting in Lautenthal and sections in the Harz foreland